Keynote Speeches & Training by Mark Murphy
Mark Murphy, is the founder of Leadership IQ, a New York Times bestselling author, a contributor to FORBES & CNBC, and rated as a Top 30 Leadership Guru. Mark’s reputation as a leadership training expert is also why he’s lectured at The United Nations, Harvard Business School, Microsoft, IBM, MasterCard, Merck, and more.
Mark has written some of the most practical and insightful leadership books ever. And his leadership techniques and research have been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, Inc., CNBC, CBS MarketWatch, Fortune, Forbes, Business Week, U.S. News & World Report, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times and more. He has also appeared on ABC’s 20/20, CBS News, Fox Business News, CNN and NPR.
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Mark Murphy specializes in all the cornerstones of leadership training, including leadership skills, employee engagement, goal-setting, motivation, team-building, change management, innovation, quality control and peak performance, just to name a few. Whether your event requires laser-like focus on a particular leadership training skill or a blend of essential skills inherent to your organization, Mark will customize his keynote presentation to your specific needs.
Some of his most popular keynote speech topics include:
- Hundred Percenters: Leadership That Inspires Greatness
- Hiring for Attitude
- HARD Goals: The Science of Extraordinary Achievement
- The Science of Giving Constructive Feedback
- 7 Psychological Secrets of Great Customer Service
- Do More Coaching and Less Managing
- How To Build Support For Your Change Efforts
- Managing Narcissists, Blamers, Drama Queens and More
- Stop Being Busy, Start Being Productive