Mark Murphy Speeches and Leadership Training

Mark Murphy Speeches and Leadership Training

Mark Murphy, is the founder of Leadership IQ, a New York Times bestselling author, a contributor to FORBES & LinkedIn, and rated as a Top 30 Leadership Guru.   Mark’s reputation as a leadership training expert is also why he’s lectured at The United Nations, Harvard Business School, Microsoft, IBM, MasterCard, Merck, and more.

Mark has written some of the most practical and insightful leadership books ever.  And his leadership techniques and research have been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, Inc., CNBC, CBS MarketWatch, Fortune, Forbes, Business Week, U.S. News & World Report, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times and more. He has also appeared on ABC’s 20/20, CBS News, Fox Business News, CNN and NPR.

Mark has spoken at...

Mark Murphy specializes in all the cornerstones of leadership training, including leadership skills, employee engagement, goal-setting, motivation, team-building, change management, innovation, quality control and peak performance, just to name a few. Whether your event requires laser-like focus on a particular leadership training skill or a blend of essential skills inherent to your organization, Mark will customize his keynote presentation to your specific needs.

Mark's books include...


Here are a few of his popular leadership training themes:

Hundred Percenters: Leadership That Inspires Greatness

We’ve all heard that if you make employees happy, they’ll give you great performance. But for all the billions of dollars companies have spent trying to satisfy and engage their employees, only 35% say they’re inspired to give their best effort at work. In this session, Mark will reveal new research from more than 500,000 employees and leaders on the best leadership style for inspiring employees to passionately give 100% every day. Based on Mark’s New York Times Bestselling book Hundred Percenters, Mark will cover how to inspire employees with Challenge, Connection, HARD Goals, Accountability, and more.

Hiring for Attitude

According to a groundbreaking study by Leadership IQ, 46% of newly hired employees will fail within 18 months while only 19% will achieve unequivocal success. But contrary to popular belief, technical skills only account for 11% of why new hires fail; it’s poor attitude that dominates the list – flaws which many of their managers admit were overlooked during the interview process. In this session, based on Mark’s bestselling book Hiring for Attitude, he’ll show how to hire for coachability, emotional intelligence, motivation, and temperament. You’ll learn which words ruin interview questions, how to discover the attitudes that your unique organization needs, how to get candidates to reveal their attitudes in interviews, and more.

HARD Goals: The Science of Extraordinary Achievement

Everyone can achieve extraordinary things. The secret is setting goals that test the very limits of your abilities. In this session, Mark explains the science behind getting from where you are to where you want to be in your career, business and life. Leadership IQ studied nearly 5,000 workers from virtually every field. Conclusively, it was found that extraordinary goals – the kind of goals that innovated the iPod, created nanotechnology and more – stimulate and engage the brain in ways that are profoundly different than the goals most people set. People who set HARD goals are up to 75% more fulfilled than people with easy goals. Mark will illustrate how success – and the intense satisfaction it brings – comes from knowing how to set goals that are Heartfelt, Animated, Required and Difficult.

The Science of Leadership Style

Leadership IQ studies find that 100 % Leaders enjoy the highest employee engagement and are the leaders people most want to follow. Becoming a 100% Leader requires a leadership style that creates the right level of challenge and emotional connection. We’ll help you identify your current leadership style and guide you through the adjustments needed to make the right decisions about how you challenge and connect with your people. New managers will learn the techniques that protect against the most common new-manager mistakes.

The Science of Finding Time to Be a Leader

One of the reasons that billionaires like Warren Buffett, Jeff Bezos and Mark Cuban have reached such heights is that their goals are clear and their days are laser-focused. There are four kinds of work that consume leaders’ time: Green Light, Yellow Light, Orange Light and Red Light Work. But only Green Light Work is goal focused and will make you an effective leader. We’ll show you how to outline your goals, establish your passion for those goals and then cut it down to what you need to do today to reach those goals.

The Science of Giving Constructive Feedback

A Leadership IQ study found that 81% of leaders avoid giving tough feedback because they’re afraid the recipient will respond badly (with anger, denial, blame or excuses). Fact-based conversations allow you to speak candidly without making people angry so you can turn tough conversations into coaching conversations that result in positive behavioral change. We’ll show you how to strip feedback messages of any emotional baggage and stick to the facts so defenses stay low and employees can make the “corrective leap” you want.

The Science of Great Coaching

Managing has its place, especially when there’s a crisis, but it’s coaching that instills inspiration and confidence in people and challenges them to grow, develop and unleash their full potential. Coaching is intrinsic; it examines psychological considerations: Why do you want to do certain things? Where do you see yourself going? What is it that’s driving you right now? that encourage employees to develop emotional connections to their work so they want to be high performers. We’ll work with you on developing the five big coaching competencies of Mindset, Goal-Setting, Framing, Listening and Questioning.

The Science of Increasing Accountability

Accountable employees take ownership, they’re passionate, driven, collaborative, open, and they make absolutely no excuses. Leadership IQ has studied hundreds of organizations that have accountability hardwired into their culture and we’ve identified the best practices that drive their success. We’ll share scripts and techniques for leading employees out of the emotional and reactive stages of denial, blame, excuses and anxiety so they become more logical, independent, self-sufficient and accountable.

The Science of Influence and Communication

The cardinal rule of influence is the more you understand others, the more they’ll understand you. But not everybody likes to give and get information in the same way. We’ll show you how to diagnose the levels of emotional connection and linearity people want in a given situation so you can adjust your communication style accordingly. You’ll further strengthen your influencer abilities as you learn about the 7 Driving Needs that motivate people in workplace and start to put into practice techniques for developing informational and expert power.

The Science of Keeping High Performers Excited and Engaged

In 42% of companies, high performers are less engaged than low performers. Understanding and addressing the deep issues that make high performers tick helps motivate, engage and most importantly, retain these valuable employees. Based on Leadership IQ’s groundbreaking study that was featured in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Forbes, Fast Company, HR Executive and Harvard Business Review, we’ll show you how to tap into the psychological motivators and demotivators of your top talent along with other practical tips to make your high performers more excited and engaged.

The Science of Killer Presentations

Most presenters just trudge through a pile of text-heavy slides, boring their audience to sleep, never understanding the one thing their audience actually needs to hear. Fortunately, with our dramatically better understanding of neurology and psychology, the science of giving “wow” presentations has advanced light years. We’ll share the latest presentation techniques and tricks from neurologists, visual designers, speech writers and psychologists to show you how to keep your audience riveted on the edge of their seats.

The Science of Leading Change

A Harvard Business School study found that 70% of change efforts fail and a Leadership IQ study found that mismanaging change is the number one reason why executives lose their jobs. Do we need any more reasons to master this critical skill? We’ll show you how to hardwire change into your organization by creating the urgency and direction people need to successfully make the transition from where they are now to where you want them to go.

The Science of Managing Difficult Personalities

Not every person in your organization is going to be nice, pleasant and easy-going. But direct confrontation makes negative personalities even more difficult to manage and work with. We’ve identified the Big Five difficult personalities that drive the most conflict in organizations (Negative, Drama Queens and Kings, Narcissists, Blamers and Overly Sensitive) and we’ll share specific scripts and techniques for understanding and managing these difficult personalities.

The Science of Maximizing Middle Performers

About 80% of middle performers have tremendous untapped potential but are blocked from maximizing their full potential due to mistakes in how they’re managed. We’ll show you how to diagnose the blocks and you’ll learn the specific steps you need to take to coach middle performers into achieving superstar-level performance.

The Science of Managing Remote Employees

Many of the leadership techniques used inside the office simply don’t work with remote employees. We’ll show you how to meet these unique management challenges by focusing on Connection (building the right bonds with remote employees), Alignment (ensuring remote employees are moving in the same direction), Accountability (making sure the work gets done) and Communication (battling message degradation and other challenges with frequent and focused communications).

The Science of Managing Teams

Teams are the foundation of every organization, but right now, 91% of teams are not fulfilling their full potential. We’ll show you how to connect and align teams through shared purpose and orientation. You’ll learn techniques for streamlining meetings so they become value-added forums for making better, smarter decisions, how to address interpersonal team dynamics and methods for creating definable objectives and clear agendas so people show up to meetings focused, engaged and prepared (and stay accountable after meetings end).

The Science of Managing Up

The relationship you have with your boss will hugely impact your success at work. But do you know how to speak to your boss’s unique style so they listen to your every word? Do you know how to keep your boss “in the loop” so they never micromanage or feel anxious about your work? Can you bring bad news to your boss without losing their trust or confidence? We’ll show you how to better understand your boss’s strengths, weaknesses, goals, styles, and needs so you can make them, and you, amazingly successful.

The Science of Resolving Conflict

Conflict is so touchy—we pretend it’s not there, yet we suffer its negative effects every day. Whether a conflict is between you and another person, or you’re mediating conflict between others, we’ll show you how to de-escalate conflict by focusing on facts. You’ll learn the latest research on conflict and get the specific psychological scripts and tools you need to fundamentally resolve conflict (and all of its tricky applications).

The Science of Taking the Pain Out of Performance Reviews

A Leadership IQ survey of over 48,000 CEOs, managers and employees showed that only 13% of managers and employees and only 6 % of CEOs thought year-end reviews were effective. A few mindset changes can turn reviews into useful, productive, and meaningful adult-to-adult conversations. We’ll show you how to leverage the key points that will radically improve performance reviews using techniques that can be implemented quickly and easily at both the HR and frontline manager levels.




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