What Great Managers Do Differently | Onsite Leadership Training

What Great Managers Do Differently [Onsite Leadership Training Course]

Do your company’s managers need help with:

  • Inspiring and retaining your best employees?
  • Coaching and improving your low performers?
  • Getting your people to be excited about change, instead of feeling threatened by it?
  • Managing narcissists, blamers and drama queens?
  • Finding the time to actually be a leader?
  • Motivating employees to hit big goals?
  • Running their teams and meetings more productively?

This 2-day leadership training course, which is delivered onsite at your company, will give your managers the tools they need to achieve extraordinary performance!

This course is called What Great Managers Do Differently, and it can be fully customized to your unique needs.  We will even do a pre-survey to assess the exact areas of need for your company.

The course is personally taught by Mark Murphy.  Mark Murphy, is the founder of Leadership IQ, a New York Times bestselling author, a contributor to FORBES & LinkedIn, and rated as a Top 30 Leadership Guru.   Mark’s reputation as a leadership training expert is also why he’s lectured at The United Nations, Harvard Business School, Microsoft, IBM, MasterCard, Merck, and more.

Here's a typical outline for this 2-day course (it can be fully customized to meet your unique needs):

Module 1: Execute Without Excuses

  • How to get every employee focused on hitting their goals
  • How to align employees’ goals with your goals
  • How to give motivating and constructive feedback
  • Why only 31% of employees clearly understand their goals
  • The 3 rules for hardwiring accountability

Module 2: Do More Coaching And Less Managing

  • 6-question test to assess if you have the “coaching mindset”
  • How coaching changes when you’re focused on performance issues vs. goals
  • Understand the difference between coaching vs. managing vs. mentoring
  • 3 drivers of trust between manager and employee
  • 3 sentences you should say at the beginning of your coaching sessions
  • How to stop using feedback (which focuses on rehashing past history) and instead use Constructive Dialogue

Module 3: Motivating Employees to Go “Above and Beyond”

  • Management errors that actively demotivate your staff ... and how to avoid them
  • The 5 types of employees – and how to motivate each
  • Setting psychologically powerful goals for your team or department
  • The 2 most effective motivational techniques
  • How to make your team members 500% more enthusiastic and positive

Module 4: Motivating the Middle Performer

  • Are you ignoring 70% of your workforce?
  • Why managers don’t focus on middle performers
  • The 5 types of middle performers – and how to manage each
  • The 2 most common mistakes managers make that totally demotivate their
  • employees
  • Transforming mediocre employees into high-performance superstars

Module 5: Best Practices for Employee Retention

  • Why the employees you want to retain are the most likely to leave you.
  • Where to focus your employee retention efforts
  • Early warning signs that a favorite employee is getting ready to quit
  • What causes seemingly happy workers to be secretly dissatisfied?
  • 8 steps to stopping your best employees from quitting

Module 6: Best Practices for Managing Low Performers

  • The philosophy of “improve or remove.”
  • Diagnosing your low performers
  • Determining whether to remove or improve slackers
  • Transforming low performers into superstars
  • Distinguishing between Talented Terrors and Bless Their Hearts
  • 5 simple steps to improving any employee’s performance

Module 7: Can't We All Just Get Along?

  • Why 9 out of 10 workplace conflicts are never resolved effectively.
  • Root causes of manager/employee clashes
  • The “magic word” that instantly eliminates animosity in any dispute.
  • Developing a collaborative office environment
  • How to foster productive disagreement without deteriorating into harmful conflict

Module 8: How to Speak so Others Will Listen

  • The mistake 93% of managers make in communicating with their employees.
  • The 4 styles of communication: which one is yours?
  • Matching your message to the listener’s communication style
  • 6 steps to becoming a world-class communicator
  • Persuading through communication rather than authority

Module 9: Finding Time To Be A Leader

  • How to distinguish between Green Light, Yellow Light, Orange Light and Red Light Work (and a Grid to plot your major activities)
  • Which of your Yellow, Orange and Red Light activities should be delegated and which should be eliminated
  • Identify and eliminate the Top 10 timewasters that consume leaders’ time
  • Checklist for teaching employees how to clarify and complete work assignments so that you don’t have to waste time constantly checking-up on them after you delegate
  • Eliminate some of your misused time with a 3-part Meeting Achievement Checklist that makes every meeting 15 minutes shorter
  • The 1 question you need to ask yourself every morning that prioritizes and focuses your day (and ensures you don’t leave the office asking yourself “did I really get anything done today?”)

Module 10: Speak The Truth Without Making People Angry

  • How to use Fact-Based Communication to “delayer” your conversations (Facts, Interpretations, Reactions, Ends)
  • How to script for delivering tough messages without making the recipient defensive or angry
  • How to avoid the “trigger words” that instantly make people defensive
  • The “Compliment Sandwich”: What it is and why you shouldn’t use it
  • How to compartmentalize and manage any emotional baggage that causes self-destructive conversations
  • How to “Restart” and “Redial” conversations that aren’t working and how to get them back on the right track


Talk to us about bringing this renowned leadership training course to your company! Just complete the form below: