Video: Make Your Presentations Highly Memorable Twitter Technique

Video: Make Your Presentations Highly Memorable With This Twitter Technique

If you give long presentations, people probably forget most of what you presented. In fact, the research says that people can maintain high attention for about 10 minutes. So if you want people to actually remember your presentations, every 10 minutes you need to insert a slide with a short one-line message summarizing what you just said. In other words, every 10 minutes you need to put a tweet up on the screen.

And then, how do you get people to remember all the tweets you showed during the presentation? Watch the 2-minute video below to learn a really cool trick for that!

This video is a clip from my webinar last month called The Secrets of Killer Presentations. And it was so popular that I’m doing it again live next week. Here’s a link to get your spot for next week's live webinar The Secrets of Killer Presentations.



Here’s a link to get your spot for next week's live webinar The Secrets of Killer Presentations.

We’ve compiled the latest presentation skills from neurologists, visual designers, speech writers and psychologists, PLUS the most cutting-edge presentation technologies from companies like Emaze and Prezi, and packed them into a 60-minute, interactive presentation that will get you up to speed with the best presenters in the business.



Posted by Mark Murphy on 06 December, 2017 Communication Skills, no_cat, no_recent, Presentations, sb_ad_30, sb_ad_5, Video |
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